
Note on Diseases, Pandemics, and Mitigations:

As your instructor, my first responsibility is to provide you a safe environment in which to learn. If you experience pandemic-related (or other) disruptions to your ability to participate in this course, please also discuss them with me regardless of what point in the semester they arise.

While masking is not currently required at GMU, I am clinically vulnerable and request that you wear as high quality a mask as you are comfortable with during our class sessions.

If you are sick or believe you are coming down sick, DO NOT COME TO CLASS. I will provide a Zoom link for virtual attendance (or you can just go get some sleep).

Honor Code:

By putting your name on your assignments, you are acknowledging the integrity of your work. If you have any questions about academic integrity, please either consult with me or go to https://oai.gmu.edu/mason-honor-code/


If you have learning needs and have been evaluated or are in the process of being evaluated by Mason’s Disability Services (http://ds.gmu.edu), please let me know so that I may make certain you are receiving the support you need.

Should you require other accommodations during the semester, particularly if it involves obtaining access to the necessary technology to perform your coursework, please contact me as soon as you are aware of the issue.


Students must use their MasonLive email account to receive important University information, including communications related to this class. You will also use this address to sign up for the course blog (this website) for posting your book reviews.

Privacy and Safety:

Because this course will require you to have an internet presence, please contact me immediately if you have privacy concerns or experience online harassment doing class activities during the course of this semester. Aliases may be an appropriate solution and/or alternative activities may be substituted for required course activities, as necessary. While I believe that your education will benefit from your participation in the online digital history community, your privacy and security is a higher priority than any particular course activity.


My goal is to create a supportive learning environment for students with diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. As such, I fully support the Mason Diversity Statement.

Religious Holidays:

Please inform me during the first two weeks of the semester if you will be unable to participate in course activities at some point this semester due to religious observances. For your ease of reference, I include the link to the following GMU holiday calendar: https://ulife.gmu.edu/religious-holiday-calendar/

Mandatory Reporting:

As a faculty member, I am designated as a “Responsible Employee,” and must report all disclosures of sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and stalking to Mason’s Title IX Coordinator per University Policy. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially, please contact one of Mason’s confidential resources, such as Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC) at 703-993-3686 or Counseling and Psychology Services (CAPS) at 703-993-2380. The 24-hour Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Crisis Line for Mason is 703-380-1434.

You may also seek assistance from Mason’s Title IX Coordinator by calling 703-993-8730 or email titleix@gmu.edu.